Saturday, May 17, 2008

Nasi Goreng Sardin

if you're just like me.. constantly running around, juggling endless tonnes of school work and other personal's another quick & simple recipe to try... nasi goreng sardin.. fried rice has always been an all-time favourite of mine as one of the most 'flexible' dishes to cook... as we have the freedom to cook as how we like it to be with any ingredients that we fancy.. best kan! :-)

so i decided to use the can of sardines (ayam brand) which i found in my kitchen shelf.. hmmm.. perhaps next time, i think i'll use corned beef when i'm cooking fried rice again..

1 can sardines (ayam brand)
3 red chillies - sliced (can add more if you want an extra spicy kick! hehe..)
1 green chilli - sliced
3 shallots - chopped
1 lime - for the juice
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 sugar
2 tsp soya sauce
cold cooked rice
slices of egg omelette - garnish (optional)
fried onions - garnish (optional)

1) fry shallots & chillies for at least 5 minutes till fragrant.
2) add sardines, stirring & mashing it simultaneously for a few minutes.
3) add in lime juice, salt, sugar & soya sauce.
4) thoroughly mix in cold cooked rice & cook for another few minutes.
5) serve hot, garnish with omelette slices & fried onions.